Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Concept for Self-Visualization

For this next project, I would like to do the three different settings that I am most used to being in: home (as in, my house), my college dorm room and surrounding environment, and the school environment. I feel like there are three different versions of myself when I am placed in each environment, and I would like to highlight that by showcasing both the surroundings and me in them. I think that this is how to truly define myself—I cannot say I act similarly in all three situations, so it would be difficult to characterize myself using only one.

My plan is to have my at-home self be more subdued and laidback, because that is what I am like when I am home. It is now the place for me to be able to relax and not have to think about work or any of the drama that goes on. My college self is a lot more outgoing and all-over-the-place, which I would like to show with a more vibrant and lively photograph(s). My classroom self is trickiest, because I feel like I can be a combination of both. I am certainly a lot quieter in class, but there is the whole art vibe that makes it unlike being the normal school environment.

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