Monday, April 13, 2009

Dia:Beacon Reactions

Going to the Dia:Beacon was an interesting experience because I had never been to a museum like it before.  The space was so large and everything was so spread out that it was a nice change from the norm and much less overwhelming.  I actually was able to view every work and that is certainly not possible in a trip to any of the other museums I have visited.

The piece that struck me most was Bruce Nauman's Mapping the Studio 1.  It was such a creepy piece that simply used film from his studio at night, which in actuality is not really that scary.  He managed to make something mundane evoke such a strong emotion out of me, and I think that is the sign of a good artist.  He incorporated the actual video, light, seating, and sound to make the piece what it is.  He also evoked a similarly eerie feeling from his piece Performance Corridor, which was intriguing and interactive with the viewer.  I really enjoyed his work and thought the entire lower level was very interesting, albeit creepy.

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